Brendan O'Connell

Web Person

I grew up with computers and they've made life a lot easier thanks to being about to to share, obtain, and disseminate information and media instantly. As a history nerd, I appreciate that WordPress's native page builder is called Gutenberg.

About Me

Hi, I’m Brendan and I’m a web dude from California. I enjoy traveling, exploring historical/natural wonders, eating delicious foods, and listening to a large collection of music.

I’ve been working with WordPress for almost 10 years and have helped clients (individuals, small-medium businesses, nonprofits, and government services, etc) start, grow, and scale their digital presence. I love open source stuff, am accessibility-minded, and  I want to make the web a better place for everyone – somewhere people can trust and grow and learn and not isolate in their corners, atomized and secluded from humans and their endeavors. Encourage people to work together! We’re social creatures after all

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