Bricks Builder
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Bricks Builder: Building the Sharefable Website with my Bricks stack
00:00 - Intro and Setup Explanation 05:55 - Homepage Hero 07:30 - Tweak ACSS Colors 09:30 - Logo Slider 12:00 - Stacking Cards 19:00 -…
CSS Variable Manager in Bricks Builder – Create HSL Color Variables
Introduction Hey everyone, Brendan here! Today, I want to dive into the latest release of Bricks Builder 1.9.8 beta. By the time you're watching this,…
Advanced Themer: Structure Panel Overview
How I use CPTs, Templates, Queries, & Dynamic data to make life easier [Real client example!]
Bricks Builder: My WP Blueprint Website …so far in 2024.
Here's what I'm using as my plugin stack for almost every website and most of the settings for it. If you have questions or comments,…
Recreate Netflix using TMDB Movie Database API calls
Cédric Bontems, creator of the Oxyprops Framework, is a talented dev who has some great advanced tutorials available. He recently started a series on rebuilding…
Gutenbricks: Create reusable blocks for a solid Client Editing Experience
Hello everyone, Brendan here, back with another video! Today, we're diving into Gutenbricks, a groundbreaking new add-on for Bricks Builder that revolutionizes the way you…
Recent Bricks RCE Exploit examined
Vladimir Smitka wrote a great piece on diagnosing and fixing a hacked Bricks site. Take a minute and give it a read if you're unfamiliar…
First Look: Query sort, filter, and live search (Bricks Builder) Adding queries to my dad’s website!
GSAP Timelines in Bricks with Bricksforge
Hey everyone, Brendan here! In today's tutorial, we'll dive into the exciting world of GSAP (GreenSock Animation Platform) using Bricks Forge. We'll explore GSAP interactions…