
Bricks Builder: Building the Sharefable Website with my Bricks stack

00:00 - Intro and Setup Explanation 05:55 - Homepage Hero 07:30 - Tweak ACSS Colors 09:30 - Logo Slider 12:00 - Stacking Cards 19:00 -…

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ACSS Custom Blocks with Pinegrow

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CSS Variable Manager in Bricks Builder – Create HSL Color Variables

Introduction Hey everyone, Brendan here! Today, I want to dive into the latest release of Bricks Builder 1.9.8 beta. By the time you're watching this,…

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Pinegrow – AI integration (Speech to Text)

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GSAP Timelines in Bricks with Bricksforge

Hey everyone, Brendan here! In today's tutorial, we'll dive into the exciting world of GSAP (GreenSock Animation Platform) using Bricks Forge. We'll explore GSAP interactions…

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Checking out Cwicly Components + Automatic CSS

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Bricksmaven Part 2

Video Summary Introduction Welcome back, friends! This is Brendan, and we're diving into the second installment of the Bricks Maven series. In this video, we'll…

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Recreating iCloud’s overlapping image grid

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What I learned from annoying construction next door

Despite not being a particularly good artist, my daily life remains deeply entrenched in the realm of creation, knowledge dissemination, and artistic expression. I have…

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Fast BEM Class Creation in Bricks Builder (Advanced Themer for Class naming)

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