October 4, 2024

Exploring WordPress 6.7: A Closer Look at the Beta Release

Hey there! Brandon O’Connell here, and today we’re diving into the exciting features and updates coming with WordPress 6.7. With a new theme on the horizon and a bunch of enhancements, there’s a lot to unpack. So, let’s get started!

Table of Contents

What’s New in WordPress 6.7?

First up, we have the highly anticipated Twenty Twenty-Five theme. This theme is gearing up for its debut around mid-November, just in time for the end of the year. The beta is available now, and I’m here to show you some of the cool features you can expect.

Exploring the Twenty Twenty-Five theme

Accessing the Beta

You can download the beta in a few different ways: directly, via the tester plugin, or through the command line interface (CLI). One of the neatest features is the WordPress Playground. It allows you to run a full WordPress instance right in your browser!

When you access the playground, it loads an entire WordPress installation, making it super handy for testing without affecting your live site. Just be cautious not to refresh the page, as it can disrupt the instance.

Using the WordPress Playground for testing

Highlights of the Twenty Twenty-Five Theme

The new theme comes with a wealth of features, including:

  • Zoomed Out View: A new icon provides a bird’s eye view of your design, similar to Figma. You can add patterns directly, move them around, and edit blocks seamlessly.
  • Block Variation Styles: Now, you can create style variations for blocks. For example, you can easily switch colors or fonts for the group block, allowing for more customization.
  • Expanded Pattern Options: The theme includes a rich collection of patterns that you can utilize to tell your story visually.

Customizing Block Variations

With the new style variations, you can edit global styles and have multiple options for blocks. For instance, if you want to change the background color of a group block, you can choose from preselected options like pink or dark themes.

Customizing block variations in the Twenty Twenty-Five theme

Improved Data Views

Another exciting enhancement is the improved data views. You can now filter and customize how you view patterns, including switching to a table view for easier management. This feature is expected to extend to the admin UI soon, making it easier to manage posts and custom types.

Enhanced Query Block Functionality

The query block has also seen improvements. You can now select custom post types directly from the UI, making it much easier to customize how your content is displayed. You can filter by author, keyword, and even set pagination options.

Styling and Typography

WordPress 6.7 introduces fluid typography, allowing for more responsive design choices. You can toggle fluid typography on or off for individual headings, giving you control over how text scales across different devices.

Exploring typography options in WordPress

Developer Enhancements

For developers, block variations can now be defined with PHP instead of JSON, enabling server-side processing for better performance. This change should make it easier for plugin developers to extend block functionality and create dynamic variations.

Getting Involved

If you want to dive deeper into these features, I highly recommend checking out the WordPress Playground. It’s an excellent way to test upcoming features and provide feedback to help shape future releases.


When will WordPress 6.7 be officially released?
The official release is expected around mid-November.
How can I provide feedback on the beta?
You can leave comments and report any issues directly in the WordPress Playground or via the feedback channels provided in the community.
Are there any new features for developers in this release?
Yes! Developers can now define block variations using PHP, improving performance and integration capabilities.

That’s a wrap on the new features coming with WordPress 6.7. I hope you’re as excited as I am to explore these updates! If you have any questions or want to connect, feel free to get in touch. Happy WordPressing!

Brendan O'Connell

Brendan is a longtime WordPress user and has built and managed hundreds of websites over the last decade.

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