CSS Variable Manager in Bricks Builder – Create HSL Color Variables

Introduction Hey everyone, Brendan here! Today, I want to dive into the latest release of Bricks Builder 1.9.8 beta. By the time you're watching this,…

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Pinegrow – AI integration (Speech to Text)

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Automating add pages/posts/products to your WordPress site from Google Sheet

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The Irreplaceable Human Essence in Art: Why AI Falls Short

In the realm of art, a unique and unquantifiable human essence permeates every brushstroke, camera angle, and narrative choice. This essence transcends technical perfection and…

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Deterioration: Mencken’s Mind of a Slave, AI Copper stripping, and extraction of social connection

In the tumultuous landscape of the 2020s, the world witnessed an emergence of what can be aptly termed the "pseudo bubble" surrounding AI technology. This…

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